Frame the future

Registration is Open for New Clients

High Impact Photography Mentorship & Coaching


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  • Ineffective Workflow
  • Poor Time Management
  • Subpar Customer Service
  • Client Retention
  • Not Booking the Right Clients
  • Photography is treated like a Hobby not a Business
  • Not Leveraging Social Media
  • Ineffective Website 

the biggest reasons your photography business is not growing

Marcie Reif is opening another round of photographer mentorships & Coaching 

the benefits of having a photography mentor and coach

Cut your editing time down with an efficient workflow

learn to communicate effectively with your clients

Increase your income in 2024 

Learn to retain your clients and work with them multiple times a year.

This program is written for you and your individual needs and goals. 

Learn to use your website & social media to attract your ideal client

Anything specific such as skills, lighting, editing etc that you need growth in  

8 Sessions
4 months of 1:1 working together
Next round of Sessions starts now!

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the full photography coaching package

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We will start with what you really want most for your business and photography and make a plan to get you there.

This will be tailored specifically to you.  These coaching sessions will look different for every photographer. 

some things I have worked on with past clients:

- basics of the exposure triangle and camera settings

-use of light and how it will tremendosly impact everything

-using studio light and adding $$$ to your annual income with just one light!

-Complete overhaul on culling & editing workflow

-marketing strategies to sell to past & new clients

-Using your website to increase your annual sales and income 

-using social media, google, email, sing up forms, welcome guides, and other sources to reach potential clients

What will we cover?

what we'll cover

how will we meet and work together virtually?

We will work together though zoom calls, texting, and emailing.

What is your experience working with other photographers?

I've worked with countless photographers through mentorships, hands on workshops, retreats, and conferences

Can I trust that this coaching style will work for me?

After one sessions together you will be convinced that this was the best decision you have made for yourself.

Will there be a payment plan available?

Yes, you will pay monthly for your 1:1 coaching sessions.

I am very worried for the critique and that it will hinder my self confidence.

I firmly believe that teaching and critiquing work is best done by studying the strong attributes that makes an image strong. We will not pick apart images but instead look for strengths in either your work or others. 

How many spots are available for this next round of coaching?

Only 5 spots are available, and we will make sure that we are the right fit for each other to carry out your goals.

I've had a lot of success so far, how do I know this will be worth it?

Investing in your business and creating new goals is the ultimate way to improve every aspect of your business and will no doubt increase your annual sales. 

frequently asked questions

5 stars isn’t enough for Marcie! Marcie is a fabulous photographer and educator. She has a wonderful way of explaining things on your level and giving critique that will help you grow as a photographer. I have used her as a mentor, and saw improvements after our first call!! She is responsive, timely, to the point, but also very kind and supportive. Having someone view your portfolio with a critical eye can be very intimidating, but I knew I was in good hands with Marcie!

“She has a wonderful way of explaining things on your level and giving critique that will help you grow as a photographer.”

Megan Brown

I have never spent this much on coaching ever! But, I went for it because I completely trust you and I have spent many years trying to become significantly better with work I can be proud of and haven’t gotten there, yet. And, you have always gone above + beyond in any teaching/coaching I have been a part of! Any topic you have coached me on has always been extremely valuable! 

“Any topic you have coached me on has always been extremely valuable! ”

Kimberly Mimeles

meet marcie

When I started my photography business in 2012 I was a full time elementary teacher and pregnant with our 2nd child. My plate was full. I was working like crazy to get my photography business running and making $15K a year.  It wasn't an easy road but 5 years later when I stepped out of the classroom I not only replaced my teachers salary but doubled it the first year, and it's been continuing to rise ever since. Now with a 6 figure income I know I made the right choice.

I was stuck in a place where I was spending countless hours and not getting paid nearly enough for my time. I have broke through those barriers, reached thousands of photographers through e learning, speaking at conferences, photography retreats and one on one mentorships. I would love to teach you all the ways you can be a highly successful photographer.  

Never in my wildest dreams did I believe I could get here but I'm willing to show you how to do it! Teaching is my true passion and teaching other photographers how to achieve their goals is what I love to do.

photographer & educator

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Lets see if we are good mutual fit


From marcie

My two most recent coaching clients delivered the most thoughtful testimonials. Both ladies put so much effort into sharing their experience of working with me. Most experts would advise you to post short and to the point testimonials but these are too powerful not to share. Choosing to work together is a big investment. I think it's important to know how it has changed photographers lives and how it can change yours too! Enjoy these letters from the heart!  

a note

Working with Marcie as my photography coach had the greatest impact on my professional photography career than any other investment I have made besides my camera! My biggest frustration was knowing my photography should be better and could be improved, I just couldn’t figure out what the problem was. Over the past two years, I have invested well over $10,000 in photography courses, coaches, masterminds, and mentoring sessions. They all helped in different ways, but I could not seem create the beautiful images I wanted to desperately to create and was very frustrated as a result.

 Investing in 1:1 coaching with Marcie was significant in that it was the largest amount of money I have paid at one time for photography education but I felt like that leap of faith would be the turning point I had been searching for. An important part of my decision was the trust I had in Marcie. Prior to this coaching opportunity, I had invested in three, one-hour mentoring sessions with her and attended her Roadtrippers retreat all within the six months prior. After each coaching session with Marcie, I was in awe of the amount of detail, attention, and effort she poured into our sessions. Instead of answering one of my questions, which every other photography educator would do, Marcie would respond with a video detailing step-by-step how to solve whatever my issue was. Never have I experienced that level of attention from an educator, coach, or mentor.

My biggest takeaway was; I invested in Marcie’s knowledge, experience, and expertise as a photography coach, and at the end of each training I realized Marcie had invested way more in me. She doesn’t compare to any other photography coach, educator, or mentor I have ever had.

The homework assignments she gave me were challenging and forced me out of my comfort zone, but I knew pushing through these exercises so carefully thought out by her would make me a better photographer than I thought possible. And, although I was learning so much and learning to study the light and its effect on my subject, the unfolding of small improvements in my skill came about slowly. With each session, I would hear Marcie’s coaching in my head as I struggled to figure out how to implement it in each senior session. Finally, in the middle of my last scheduled senior session, I was striving for the breakthrough I so wanted. I kept hearing everything Marcie had taught me as I assessed the location with a huge semi-truck parked right where I wanted to be with my senior. As stressed as I was, I kept reminding myself of all of the concepts Marcie and I had discussed while I moved around my subject looking for the best light. The images on the back of my camera were underwhelming, but I couldn’t figure out why. I finally asked my subject to turn his head to the right and look down the street and it was like the largest fireworks display ever!! I remember gasping at the realization that what I saw in my viewfinder was the culmination of everything Marcie had been coaching me on! I will never forget how my subject's face went from flat to illuminated! All of the problems I couldn't figure out how to solve were solved in that instant. Who knows how many years I would have continued trudging through mediocre work had I not taken that leap of faith and invested in 1:1 coaching with Marcie. I am forever grateful for all of the energy + thoughtfulness she invested in me. No matter what issue I brought to her, she was always ten steps ahead of me. She knew what I needed before I even knew what I needed or how to ask for what I needed.

The resources she shared with me were not created for anyone else but for the specific problem I presented to her, as opposed to a pdf she created for the masses. I had so many aha moments from her way of teaching. For example, if she knew I was struggling with a homework assignment, she would do the same homework assignment, sometimes pulling her children out of bed early before school to demonstrate a concept in a video for me. If I had a question about social media or email marketing, she would go through my Instagram account or Flodesk emails as if she were a potential client and offer invaluable insight that only would have been discovered from digging deeper and having the passion to ensure from her coaching I would finish our time together as a much-improved photographer.

Marcie was fully committed to my growth and goal attainment. She gave everything of herself and tapped into every resource available to her to help me improve my photography. She was open and generous in sharing with me knowledge that likely took her years to acquire. The most significant validation of the effect of Marcie’s coaching happened this past January at a retreat with a mastermind group I had joined the year before meeting Marcie. We had not seen each other in a year and during one of the heart-to-heart chats, several women mentioned the significant improvement in my photography over the past year. They wanted to know what I attributed it to, and as I was telling them about my 1:1 coaching with Marcie, it struck me how much more I gained from being coached by her compared to what I invested. The growth, learning, confidence, clarity and so much more propelled me years ahead of where I would be had I not made that decision in 1:1 coaching with Marcie.

xo, Kim

I’m a Portrait and Branding Photographer here in Long Island, NY and I have been in business since 2021. 

I also have a personal goal of achieving Click Pro Elite. I had been curating my set for a couple of years, but was having trouble identifying images that would be suitable for the set as well as thorough and critical review of my current set.

Upon our first meeting, we reviewed lighting and composition and how important getting it right in camera can greatly reduce editing time. We also reviewed additional time savers such as presets, Photo Mechanic, Portraiture, PS Image Processing. These minor tweaks to my workflow immensely helped me to reduce the editing time and produce a higher quality end product. I went from delivering a gallery in 2 weeks to 2-3 days and in some cases, same day. I’m also going out with a more critical eye, and I’m seeing that more images are definitely worthy of being include in my Click Pro Set.  

Although I had been happy with my workflow with School Photography, we discussed my pricing and how I could effectively offer a more comprehensive set of products and perhaps increase profits. I am proud to say that I just delivered my first school gallery since this mentoring with a modified pricing, and had my first sale over $200! Marcie also suggested adding a school specific page to my website where families could access my existing questionnaire, sign up for my newsletter and access my current Mini Session Offerings. I was a little apprehensive; I had previously had a page that was not regularly accessed, but I am happy to report that this updated webpage resulted in an additional 75 page views on my website. 

Speaking of my website, Marcie emphasized the importance of SEO, a functional website, and regularly creating content via blog posts. We discussed that my social media account, although important, converts very few customers. After our mentoring session, I’ve committed to creating regular blog posts, getting regular Google Reviews. I actually noticed my Google Business Profile was still focusing more on Family Photography, I made a few updates and a couple of days later I started receiving calls for headshot sessions from clients who found me through a Google Search.

And let’s not forget the Family Sessions! I had a previous mentor tell me that I could be considered a volume photographer (School and Mini Sessions) or I could be a boutique photographer hence why I stayed away from Mini Sessions. As mentioned, I also did not want to give up every weekend for Fall and Holiday Sessions. We discussed how there could be a happy medium (ie booking 3 - 20 min sunset beach sessions on one day, providing the premium photography session time, at an appropriate price where it is worth the time commitment). I’ve since offered some mini session offerings and through marketing them to the right audience, I’m starting to see a few more bookings with each one. I’ve already booked my studio time for my Columbus Day Mini Sessions and have identified a venue that may be a great resource for Holiday Minis!

I always looked forward to my meetings with Marcie and although I am sad they have come to an end, I feel like it was the perfect amount of mentoring. I regularly refer back to the recordings and am happy to have them as a resource.

Pairing what I learned with her in conjunction with other business memberships and groups I am in has not only made me a better photographer, but a more confident business owner. It was a significant investment (at the slowest time of the year) but I truly believe I am seeing the fruits of our labor. I also wasn’t sure if I wanted it to remain open-ended, but I like having this closure gives me the opportunity to take what I learned and see where I go from there. 

xo, Erin

© marcie reif photography